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36” x 48” ///  2023


36” x 48” /// 2023

Materials: found posters, charcoal, chalk pastel, oil pastel, ink, graphite, acrylic, glitter, cat hair, gold leaf

Price: $7,000.00 (includes framing)

(once framed the dimensions of this piece will be larger)

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CONTAMINATED: having been made impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.

Contamination of the mind can occur through exposure to negative influences, such as toxic relationships, harmful ideologies, or traumatic experiences. It can also stem from internal factors like self-doubt, anxiety, or intrusive thoughts, which can spread and affect one's mental well-being. Just as physical contamination requires cleansing and purification, mental contamination often necessitates introspection, therapy, and positive reinforcement to restore clarity and equilibrium.

Living with Complex PTSD, I endured years of pervasive anxiety and depression, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of my experiences. I was contaminated by my own thought patterns, I struggled to navigate their influence and shape their outcomes to my advantage, resulting in considerable pain and anguish.

“CONTAMINATED” was created as a beacon of hope amidst the tumult of human experience, serving as a testament to resilience and the transformative power of creativity. In a world grappling with mental health challenges on an unprecedented scale, “CONTAMINATED” not only reflects personal struggle but its purpose is to resonate with countless others who battle their own inner demons. It embodies the journey from darkness to light, offering solace and inspiration to those who find themselves similarly ensnared by the complexities of the mind.

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